The memory of the dream is fading but I'll try to write it all down. So I remember I was moving to New York on a bus. I remember helping the passengers with things like bus tickets and stuff but this one passenger just didn't like me
As soon as we stopped she just said all these hurtful things about me and my insecurities. I remember her calling me ugly, weirdo and basically all the things I fear/feel that I am and the other passengers started avoiding me because they started to believe the things she said
The dream makes no sense but it makes sense in context of things. I always wanted to move to New York and the bus obviously represents my classmates. The girl was a manifestation of my insecurities and doubts
I remember after she said those things I wanted to find a way to get her back. Lash out in anger or embarrass her or anything. I remember feeling guilty and humiliated but that was when I realized where I was
I was in a place I always wanted to be, a place where everybody said I couldn't go. I was so happy because I proved everyone wrong and I did something I could of never imagined. So I didn't care what she said because I knew who I was
This whole thing is pretty weird but I'm glad I had this dream. This thread makes no sense because I just woke up at 3 am but I felt the need to write this
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