(This turned out bad but it’s my first attempt at digital art lol)
Does anybody ever wish they could look like their ROBLOX avatar because it’s cuter than themselves..? One reason why I will probably never do a face reveal is because of what you guys may think of me. (Thread 😒)
It’s not even my fault, therefore means it’s the fault of others who have wronged me because I’m not the best looking girl in the world. If I w#could see those who have wronged me in the past and laugh at them because they laughed at me, I wouldn’t do it.
I wouldn’t because I don’t long for revenge, I learn from others Around me and I become a better person each day, I used to be very toxic and I couldn’t make friends because nobody wanted to be friends with me. I then ended up moving because of my dad being in the military.
I then finally got a new start but I didn’t like the school I was going to because people made fun of me for multiple stupid reasons I now laugh at because children make fun of things that don’t even need to be judged. You should not be judged about where you come from,
Or the color of your skin, how you look, it’s all garbage and i think they just need to stop that all together because it’s not nice! They should hold classes in elementary, middle school, and highschool about how to treat people CORRECTLY because they have the same value.
When will people get it through the thick skulls they have that nobody is a lesser human than themselves, it’s so unbelievably STUPID I’m angry about it too. So I kindly ask all my followers to go be kind to people that seem sad or need help it would be a big favor
Because I can only do so much as one human being it makes me so sad to see people being bullied and it makes me very sad to see racism and sexism because I find all of that very rude. I’m very disappointed in what humanity is because of the things we do to the people around us.
We pollute the air and waters with trash and greenhouse gases. We cut down trees realeasing carbon dioxide into the air. Animals go icstinct because we overhunt them til there is none left... I am so so so sad to know that that’s what’s going on.
Honestly Covid-19 was better for the environment. I’m not saying that I’m not sad about every death this virus caused because I would be lying to you because I am indeed very very sad about it. It bums me that we have to stay indoors and I’m going insane inside.
But I know it’s better for humanity and the environment so I still await the day we have beaten this virus. Respect to all whom lost any family members due to the virus because I feel the same you do :,(
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