someone from my high school, who last week didn't get why people weren't excited that he finally became a police officer seems to have deleted his social media, which like, lmao

all cops are bastards. fictional cops. none of this 'trying to change from the inside' shit. ACAB.
my experience will never come close to the horrors many face but even from a young age everyone in my hometown knew they didn't solve cases, they didn't help anyone, they just waited at stop signs to fill quotas and harassed brown people out late so downtown would 'look nicer.'
wild that the city of auburn routinely lets drunk people roam the streets yelling and roll 8-10 entire city blocks in toilet paper for 'tradition' after sporting events but will repeatedly make trouble for people minding their own damn business outside a bar for not being white
i dont feel like this discourse is mine to own but one thing i feel equipped to do is reflect on the moments i realized 'good cops' are fictional and urge others to meditate on the nature of the police, even in our local communities, and who they really serve and protect. thanks!
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