White dudes: Whatcha doing rn?

If you're looking for things to do besides donate (which if you can, I hope you have and *puts on reading glasses* I see some of your receipts, thank you)... Here are some suggestions from a little brown person that you probably won't listen to, but hey, I got time.
1️⃣ Buy and read some anti-racist texts. And sit with the discomfort. Maybe invite a few other dudes to be in a book club with you.

I curated this collection just for you. 😘 https://twitter.com/TatianaTMac/status/1266231969462935552?s=20
2️⃣ Unfollow everyone on social media and start over. Try to follow NO people who look like you*.

Follow a spread of race, gender (expression, identity), orientation, physical ability, neurodiversity, nationality, socioeconomic status.

*I know you still will. I said try.
3️⃣ Spend a year only recommending people who don't look like you. (And if you just recommend abled white women, I will not give you pistachio thin Oreo cookies). In every avenue! On Twitter, for jobs, for reading.

Sound hard? Well, 1 and 2 outta help you. But yeah, it's hard. 😉
4️⃣ For every time you get the impulse to talk (live or asynchronously), try to only do it every third time.

For the times you do talk, ask yourself:
🔹 Did I listen to understand?
🔹 Did someone already say this?
🔹 Am I adding something of value?
🔹 Are these my words to say?
5️⃣ Spend time connecting with your thoughts, then emotions.

Write down your observations in this new version of you. What do you notice?

Seek therapy/counseling if you have the means. If you don't think you need therapy, it likely means you're seeking it from people for free.
Also before someone subjects me to that horrendous unrolling app, I converted this thread into a blog post with a few extra Easter eggs. 😘 https://twitter.com/TatianaTMac/status/1266258250489454599?s=20
You can follow @TatianaTMac.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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