I’ve got an uneasy feeling about some well-meaning black lives matter posts I’ve seen recently. I’ve been insomnia scrolling for hours and keep coming across graphic descriptions of George Floyd’s murder, coming from white people.
The posts are informative, and always condemn the murder! But including a graphic description in this context, from these people, sits wrong with me.
In the aftermath of recent police brutality cases I’ve seen most people agree, at least in my internet circles lol, that sharing footage is a sort of modern day lynching.
I saw a “Things White People Should Ask Themselves” post on insta that included something along the lines of “Are your actions and language re-traumatising black people?” and at the time I presumed it was angling towards not sharing vids of police brutality etc
It didn’t really occur to me that white people would be writing it down too lmao. I understand the urge to - words are powerful, and the details of this case is part of what makes it so horrifying.
I think there’s a way to give the necessary details without exploiting black people’s pain right now, and every shareable bulletpoint Instagram post says the way to achieve that is by thinking before you post
Anyway, my little penny drop teaching moment seemed so important 7 tweets ago and now seems like it should’ve been obvious all along. Hindsight eh. I am interested in hearing if others have noticed this or if I’m being a big wetwipe. Lmk!
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