Opening up for 'the other side':

How does a protest lose credibility or sympathy when it supposedly turns into a riot? How can you reconcile staying "I agree with why you protest but" when you see shit turn left when the purpose of hte protest is to get you to care?
"I'd agree with you but you threw a rock"

What does that mean? Seriously?

Did you go "Man, I initially thought he shouldn't have died but, a rock got thrown so fuck him. Kill 'em all"?

Does that... make you right or still make you an ass? I need to know.
I just need to know because "I'd agree... but..." means less than nothing.

State murdered someone. See our pain. If you don't empathize, then you can keep it moving because you, apparently, don't think 'what's right' is unconditional.

And that's fine. Just say it with yo chest.
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