@xKingJTA pls keep my name out ur mouth all u do is sit around and play ow if ur gonna feed admit to it also stop calling people f*gs in game its not a good look lil boy
And this u? C’mon bro do better I play the game for fun u sit around and make fun of people for what? YOU ARE MY SHADOW LIL BOY
U a lil boy and ugly c’mon do better
........I’m honestly lost for words bro kinda amazed how delusional u must be
Well imma go to sleep but ok imma be in ur head rent free cuz ur ugly like 4/10 at best
U said way more than tht lil boy
Lil boy to me remember tht
U have my cock in ur mouth don’t mention me weirdo I’m getting into ur ugly head u literally tell people to get life’s but u sit around and play ow everyday I kid you not every single day and ur not good drop down to the real world ur pathetic
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