I really just also need people to pay attention to how consistently POLICE ESCALATE SITUATIONS.

These protests would have stayed protests and stayed quiet had cops not chosen to treat the presence of the protestors as necessitating a violent, controlling response.
It's been the same thing every time.

The re-open terrorists showed up with firearms and things didn't turn violent because the cops did not escalate things no matter how they were provoked.

THESE protests turn take these turns because the police ALWAYS escalate, EVERY TIME.
Protestors protesting Black deaths don't wave firearms at cops.

They don't scream in their faces.

They march, they chant.

And they're met with tear gas and rubber bullets and other crowd control efforts, by the very people they're upset with.
Right-wing assholes aren't not met with the same force, the same violence, because they're better behaved.

They're worse. They actively provoke.

They're not met with violence because they fundamentally do not threaten power, and the cops don't disagree with them.
And we have actual visual evidence that beyond simply escalating, the cops are actively seeking to infiltrate and frame protesters.

If you see reports of riots and violent protesters and looting and arson, understand that part of that is cops actively creating the problems.
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