asians (including desi ppl) and blm :

As POC, we often believe that we are all exposed to the same type of racism in America, but we have to remember that most Asian Americans entered the US on a merit-based system as the “model minority”, the ideal people of color.
We were supposed to be successful, law-abiding citizens. Black people were brought into America as slaves/property against their will. America was built on their backs, and in return they face systematic oppression. Everything is rigged against them: the prison system, education
system, etc. not to mention other things like appropriation of their vernacular and even hair. If you are an Asian person and do not support the BLM movement, you are playing into the hands of imperialism, furthering the model minority myth that minimizes the role of racism in
the struggles that POC face on a daily basis. You are helping racists prove their point. Please support your fellow POC and give black people a reason to trust us. They should know that we have their backs. It’s literally a matter of life and death.
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