who is it that cops are protecting?
the stonewall riots showed us that it’s not the LGBT community... 40% of cops’ families REPORT domestic violence- so it’s not women and children... police brutality and the senseless murder of unarmed black people show us it’s not POC...
the war on drugs and the enforcement of anti-homeless laws show us that it’s not the poor... hundreds of mentally ill and disabled people have been killed and mistreated by cops, so it’s not them either... so who does that leave us with?
let’s take look at who the police ARE protecting.
school shooters like this one, protected by police in a peaceful, non-violent arrest despite having just killed 9 people
who else are police protecting? their fellow officers being held accountable for murdering innocent people of colour
let’s not forget that cops also protect each other when they are exposed for domestic violence! if 40% of women married to cops REPORT the domestic violence that they face to their husbands own colleagues, imagine how much goes unreported
so you’re right, cops serve and protect! they serve an oppressive institution that originated as slave patrol and continues to mass incarcerate, persecute, and kill people of colour. they protect themselves, they protect murderers, they protect straight white able-bodied rich men
next time you wanna defend a cop, ask yourself, who is being served and who is being protected? if you are a woman, or disabled, or poor, or gay, or black, or indigenous, or trans, or mentally ill, or an addict, or an immigrant, or homeless- cops DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU
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