Ok let me start my thread on past birth memories ...
1. I beleive many of the people's have past birth memories in their curent birth life . I do have it ,all of my past birth memories are coming as vision in my dreams ..
2. My past birth life memories are more of myself being in Tamil kingdom rule .like myself being a part of kingdom in Aranmanai ,most of my visions are showing myself being in big battlefield ,I always get the visions of chola flag in it ..
3. Some times my past birth memories visions showing myself in to even Mahabharat period iam sure even tamil kings participated in gurusektra war history proves with panadavas and gauaravas side the battlefield vision show myself in middle of battle field fighting with enemeies
4. Past life "memories" recovered by techniques like past-life regression are the result of cryptomnesia: narratives created by the subconscious mind using imagination, forgotten information and suggestions from the therapist.
5 DĂ©jĂ  Vu
Most of us have experienced a sudden, surprising feeling that an event we are experiencing has happened to us exactly this way before. Psychologist Arthur Funkhouser of the C.G. Jung Institute has broken down this phenomenon into three categories
6. Déjà vécu: an event already experienced or lived through
Déjà senti: something already felt, perhaps triggered by a voice or music
Déjà visité: a place so familiar we feel we've been there before
7. Memories of past lives can also manifest themselves as recurring dreams and nightmares, believers say. Dreams of mundane or ordinary life activities may suggest a specific locale you inhabited during a past life.
8. People who appear regularly in your dreams may have had a special relationship with you in another life. Likewise, nightmares may be reflections of past-life traumas that have clung to our spirits and haunt our sleep.
9. It's beneficial to humans to have fears of things that are dangerous to us, but many people suffer from phobias that are completely irrational. Fear of water, birds, certain numbers, mirrors, plants, specific colors...
10.The list goes on and on. For those who believe in past lives, these fears may be carried over from a previous lifetime. A fear of water may indicate past-life trauma, for example. Perhaps, in another manifestation, you met your end by drowning.
11. Birthmarks have been touted as evidence for reincarnation. One frequently cited case was studied in the 1960s by a University of Virginia psychiatrist named Ian Stevenson
12. An Indian boy claimed to remember the life of a man named Maha Ram, who was killed with a shotgun fired at close range. This boy had an array of birthmarks in the center of his chest that looked like they could possibly correspond to a shotgun blast
13. Stevenson proved there was a man named Maha Ram who was killed by a shotgun blast to the chest. An autopsy report recorded the man's chest wounds, which corresponded directly with the boy's birthmarks. Some argue coincidence but for believers, it was proof of reincarnation.
14. I have given my experiences and other people's experiences as well the fact is there are many cases in this world is proved that people so have past life memories and they are correct with their information provided
Iam ending this thread I hope it's useful one .
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