I know I'm in the minority on this, but I think a film's ending credits are an essential part of the viewing experience. The music/score in the closing minutes help bookend the tone the filmmakers sought to establish. Streaming services should have a "opt-in" credit option.
I always stay through the credits, and sadly watch filmgoers waltz out as soon as the lights come up. Movies are adding end credit scenes to combat the walk-outs, but even that doesn't always work. Films are visceral for me, and I just want others to share in the same joy.
This thread is courtesy of @Netflix trying to play a trailer for "The Wrong Missy" 20 seconds into the credits of "The Witch." I understand, and respect, the increased marketing on their original product, but it takes something away from the film I just dedicated 90 minutes too.
Also, "The Witch" was a fun spin on the fears of satanic witchcraft during the 1600s. Quite a few Arthur Miller vibes emanating from the screenplay, and a great example of mob mentality. It's worth a watch for "The Crucible" fans.
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