There is a difference between needing an escape and criticizing others for posting about pressing issues on THEIR page. Yes, all of this can cause anxiety and you may need an escape, but there are people being murder for the color of their skin. [1]
Take a moment to realize your privilege. You have the option to not look at twitter and all of this violence won’t affect you because of your skin color. I too have felt anxious over all of this but I have no right to complain about a social media... [2]
platform talking about issues about race and even politics. I am in no means trying to invalidate that people talking about the murders can trigger anxiety and depression in many people, but POC don’t have a choice to just close the app. They are being [3]
targeted by a group that claims to protect and serve, when that group only seems to protect cis, straight, white, able-bodied people. So please, stop complaining about “drama” or “politics” when POC are being killed for existing.
Sorry if I ramble a lot in this thread I have just been seeing a lot of tweets of people complaining. I have been super anxious all day and understand people want a place to relax, but there are much much MUCH more serious issues. #BlackLivesMater
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