1/ My two cents: The video of George Floyd's alleged murder provides ample evidence to support a charge of excessive use of force. Furthermore, the state has a vested interest in protecting public safety by immediately arresting former officers Derek Chauvin, who held his knee to
2/ Floyd's neck, and Tou Thao as both officers have a history of excessive use of force complaints lodged against them. As The Guardian reported: "Chauvin, who joined the force in 2001, had already been involved in several incidents, according to a database by
3/ Minneapolis’ Communities United Against Police Brutality." In one instance, Chauvin was one of 5 police officers placed on leave after they shot an indigenous man in 2011. The Guardian also reported that Thao "was previously sued by a man who alleged he and two officers used
4/ excessive force during an 2014 arrest. The man, who had been walking along with his pregnant girlfriend, was stopped by Thao and another officer. The lawsuit alleged they 'punch[ed], kick[ed] and kn[eed]' the man’s 'face and body'
5/ causing 'broken teeth as well as other bruising and trauma.'" That lawsuit was eventually settled out of court. Altogether, more than a dozen civilian complaints have been lodged against former officers Chauvin and Thao with Chauvin receiving 3 formal written reprimands.
6/ At the very least, and based on the video of the incident, Chauvin should be held without bail pending the outcome of the full investigations. And at that time, the anticipated charges for murder and federal civil rights abuses can be added to the excessive use of force charge
7/ along with any other charges supported by local, state and federal investigators. As federal prosecutor Erica MacDonald told reporters today: "That video is graphic, horrific and terrible. And no person should do that." And, as discussed above, no person committing such an act
8/ should be free to roam the streets.
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