I really do not why we still are pointing out the contradictions in conservatism/ libertarianism in an effort to prove a point. They do not care. It's not about the ideology. It's not about "freedom" or whatever bullshit they say.
Pointing out that them saying "everyone has the right to choose to wear a mask or not" contradicts what they say on abortion or gay marriage literally does not affect them. Bc it isn't about the choice for everyone. It's about THEM getting the choice and not other people
I just think we spend so much time trying to understand conservatives and why they react to things the way they when their ideology contradicts itself to protect themselves and whiteness, misogyny, class, heteronormativity, ableism, etc.
Do not pull some Friedman shit on me either- literally it's all just bullshit to protect them and to justify the shit they believe.
I do think there is a population of people who don't see this part of conservatism and think it's really about person rights and freedoms, but it's rotten at the root and throughout.
Idk what the goal of this thread was but I'm not framing shit for people who will never come around.
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