i know we're getting into the plural community at a really chaotic time in terms of discourse and whatnot, but um... not sure how much we will or won't want to comment on anything, meaning both #DID/ #OSDD community drama and mainstream news, even if it's important, because...
i think we're going to try to keep this account primarily as a intra-communication tool more than outreach... of course, we want to meet others, too, and we want to make sure we share some core values. so i certainly wouldn't shy away from discussing anything relevant, but...
i am so overwhelmed with the state of the world and the crushing forces of oppression and pessimism, and i'm outspoken about social justice on other accounts and in meatspace, so i kinda want to tailor this profile towards multiplicity and the intersectional concerns around it
but of course, social justice always matters! i kinda just wanted to post this thread to express my solidarity with all victims of the ongoing struggles of living in a racist, sexist, cis-hetero-patriarchal capitalist dystopia, even if i don't get specific about those happenings
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