i've seen this kind of post a lot & it's worth talking about where this kind of mindset comes from and why the whole "black on black crime" argument is not productive or relevant no matter which side of the fight it's coming from. A THREAD:
the reason this kind of crime is not relevant or helpful to discuss right now is because what's taking place right now is a nationwide discussion about RACISM. Black on black crime is not rooted in racist motives. Like most other crime, it would take place either way.
if we are silent about police brutality and its death toll it will only keep happening. We are trying to show that police need to be held accountable & will not be allowed to keep getting away with it without consequences (like they have been this entire time)
let's talk about Chicago.
There is security camera footage of Floyd complying w/ the officers during his arrest. He was not struggling. He was direct and even respectful with Chauvin, calling him "officer" and being as clear as possible that he was in serious pain. It made no difference.
There is no accountability for cops who commit these crimes bc their badge gives them a power that can easily be abused. In contrast, black people who commit any crime will be dealt with more quickly and decisively than any other groups. They are held accountable, cops aren't
covid-19 is only exacerbating the factors that lead to these kinds of crimes taking place. But if yall really cared you'd be tweeting politicians about how they can better support these communities during this time--what resources can they provide to struggling low income people?
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