As a sex worker who’s dealt with stalkers, doxing, and death threats for ~15 years, I’d really love to teach some academics a thing or two about dealing with trolls (i.e., blocking them and moving the fuck on)
Why blocking instead of muting? Because they’ll keep on creepin’ on by hassling your followers. Esp an issue if you’re dealing with racists, sexists, homophobes, bigots in general
Why not try to educate them? Because a) *they* are trying to school *you,* b) you aren’t talking about the same thing, c) they want to upset you and watch you flail, and/or d) they don’t give a shit!
It doesn’t matter if you’re right! The point of trolling is not to ~dialogue~; it’s to poke you until you dance, and then to make fun of you in a group chat. Fucking block ‘em and go about the rest of your day unbothered. Good god. The cringe, I cannot. I cannot anymore.
Tune in next week for “don’t take it personally for when a celebrity doesn’t respond to your joke”
In retrospect, e.g. would have been more appropriate here.
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