As an Asian person, before speaking up against racism, we must first acknowledge the deep-rooted anti-blackness in the Asian community. 1/7
It is not a new phenomenon that many aspects of Asian cultures have long perpetuated beliefs and stereotypes that insidiously instill anti-black sentiments. 2/7
A notable example is the desirability of fair skin. For Filipinos, this can be seen when Titas say “You look so dark, you should stay out of the sun”, and the widespread use of skin-lightening products to produce a mestiza (fair-skinned) complexion. 3/7
Anti-blackness can be both insidious and overt. The model minority myth has been created to intentionally enforce white supremacy by simultaneously lifting up Asian-Americans and putting down African-Americans. 4/7
We often use our privilege as the “model minority” to advance ourselves, yet once we are called to stand in solidarity with people of colour that requires us to use that very identity of otherness, we respond with “But we’re not black, it doesn’t affect me.” 6/7 @anikaandal
Now more than ever it’s important to come together. Liberation from white supremacy is a collective struggle shared between every community of colour. 7/7
“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” Lilla Watson
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