This may not be the most coherent thread ever since I'm just going to be rambling, but oh well. Sorry for any of you who may not like political/real world stuff.

These riots over the death of George Floyd are not the way to go. I 100% support the cause, but not this response.
Shops 60 seconds from home have been broken into and messed up. This isn't even in Minneapolis. Relative to Minneapolis, this is the opposite side of St Paul. What the fuck is it that people mean to achieve here? If the goal is to be heard and listened to, then this does nothing.
I mentioned before that I support the cause, and I stand by that. Though I haven't been hurt in any way, this all just makes me sad.
If I happened to be someone who was maybe neutral or on the fence of such issues, these riots would likely tip me over the edge and lead me to OPPOSE the people seeking support. Anyone who already had racist leaning viewpoints would only feel reinforced in their position.
Maybe I'm missing something or am too white to understand. Any of the more violent rioters who are doing such because they feel unheard are definitely getting attention now, but it isn't the kind that'll lead to any change.
Violent conduct and antagonizing the groups that don't already support the cause will only postpone the desired outcome. Change is never immediate. Please, make sure the message actually being sent is the same as the message that needs to be sent...

End thread
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