My tweets are prob confusing as fuck but my stand point is and always has been not all cops are bad. But there obviously are horrible ones (just like any other group of people). And they should be charged accordingly. Who gives a fuck if they are a cop??? Murder is murder!!!
I’m also an all lives matter person. I think saying any specific group matters just adds to the divide in the country. I just think everyone should be equally valued which I get is the point people try to make with BLM but I just think it creates a bigger divide.
And obviously not all white people are racist. shit I’m middle eastern/ white and I’ve been constantly called “white girl, cracker, and a “terrorist” my whole life. Which is racism. I think there is racism everywhere it doesn’t JUST happen to black people. I just don’t think it
.. should happen at all to anyone... EVER!! a person is a person to me. I know everyone doesn’t see it this way. I just wish we could cut out all the bullshit and color differentials.. I understand people want to blame someone so they blame police.. but not all police are bad
But like I said the bad PEOPLE deserve to be and SHOULD be properly punished for the bullshit they do. I don’t care if it’s the president. Arrest the murderers!! Maybe if someone actually would there wouldn’t be so many of them... I’ll end with the protesting..
Maybe if people keep destroying shit it will actually get someone’s attention. EVERYONE in EVERY race should be PISSED!!!! fuck anyone who thinks someone deserves to die for no reason. That’s not a “misunderstanding” it’s a homicide. THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK 🙃
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