long story short i personally think asking/waiting for celebrities to use their platform to speak up is really beside the point when we can instead direct energy and attention to people who are ALREADY speaking up. of course celebrities have huge platforms, but WE are the ones
who gave them that platform and we can just as easily give it to the activists, organizers, communities, and people who are fighting the fight instead. it’s literally our choice whether we put out more tweets abt whatever celebrity’s platform or whether we put out tweets
abt what ppl can do to learn and to help. of course you can do both— you can call out celebrities for not using their platform AND you can amplify the voices of the people fighting the fight, but i’ll just say that the human attention span is limited and so is energy. giving
attention and energy to calling on celebrities to do what activists ALREADY DO just isn’t worth it to me personally. and frankly any celebrity that only tweets to “raise awareness” is also missing the point bc ppl ARE aware. no one’s life is getting saved by my fav tweeting their
support. i’d love it if they did tweet their support, but that support is only comforting to me and to other fans, not to the people dying. finally i don’t wanna tell anyone how they should or shouldn’t be reacting to this bc that’s entirely not my right to do so; these are just
my personal opinions and the reasoning behind why i honestly couldn’t care less what any celebrity says on this issue right now
gonna add on to this now bc i suspect some ppl are tweeting this thread as if it absolves their stans of wrongdoing— it doesn’t! all i’m saying is that i won’t waste my time or energy trying to educate celebrities or teach them to better; that’s emotional and mental labor that
they should be doing themselves. silence is violence; absolutely correct. but i’m not going to spend time and energy trying to convince celebrities of that. it’s not my damn job to train them into activists when there are actual activists doing the work.
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