A firsthand account on the ways white women (even unconsciously) weaponise their perceived frailty: a thread
Context: this isnt meant to speak over the BLM movement. OP is a white australian. My dad is Italian and non-white-passing (doesn't play into this, but historically even just a generation ago 'W*gs vs Aussies'
Racism was a very big issue. While Italians are the least opressed racial minority in Australia, occasionally caution must be exercised over old white bogan cops. Just wanted to bring this up because a lot of older white Australians still have this view over w*gs, especially
Lebanese people. Many white australians, my mother included, have the idea that they're 'raised different, or a different species', and weaponise the patriarchy or cultural treatment of men in these groups to lie to police and get these men falsely incarcerated. Many times my
And I've only seen my dad cry like that when my Nonna passed away. The race of the cops doesn't matter. My dad's race- while I say was irrelevant to the story, could easily have made the situation worse. If he was Lebanese, the cops would come with a 'justified' preconcieved
Around 2010, they separated briefly- but the police were constantly threatened or in some cases came to our house because of my mother. This thread is about these times, because I want other people to know how white women and the police can co-operate to cause unjust suffering
He knows how to deal with them, talk calmly and plainly, roll over your tummy if you've done something wrong. Now here's the thing. The police could plainly fucking see that there's no bruise on my mum. At the time she had lifted the AVO bc 'he needed a lesson'.
'Not like the other ones'. There's tricks and ways minorities have to defend themselves with, appear as the best version possible to lighten judgement. To cops it doesn't matter. To cops that could plainly see that my mum was the abuser, that my dad was innocent.
Because when a white woman sees you as a threat, to the police you are no longer a person.

You are an obstacle that needs to be removed to placate a Karen.

A blender that needs to be refunded.

#ACAB #BlackLivesMatter
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