Major Forrest Gump Plotholes

If Forrest Gumps IQ was only 75 how did he get in the military?
Seriously he is an insult to every soldier since WW2 w an 81+ IQ

Also did Jenny technicaly rape him as he was mentally impaired?

Like wouldnt his Mom have to give her consent? Lol
Maybe Jenny didnt give him AIDs.

Maybe she had to go to jail for RAPE?! LOL.
"And then Jenny touched me in a bad place but I liked it" Forest cries in a courtroom.
Also how does a man with a 81 IQ not get lost jogging coast to coast?

The Earth is on a 21degree titl and the sun changes its angle based on the seasons.

A man with an 81 IQ would jog in circles forever!! #FamilyGuySkit
Where is the deleted sex scene where Forrests Mom has to pay for the broken leg braces? Lol. Jk.
Did the Casting Director of Forrest Gump cast Sally Fields as a disabled boys mom because they saw her performance in Smokey and the Bandit? Lol.
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