Y'all can keep pointing out the cop's--who murdered George Floyd--proximity to Trump implying that he's a Republican. That means nothing. Amy Cooper, by many accounts was likely a Democrat.
That's the thing, friends. White supremacy is prevalent everywhere. It's convenient to make it out to be those toothless right-wingers, huh? Know that it's alive and very well in "progressive", "liberal", "moderate" and "For Everyone Born" spaces.
It's alive. It's well in "I don't see color" and "I have a black friend" spaces. This cancerous sin will grow and fester at each whisper so as to not offend. Each attempt to appease it. To not upset it. Never to offend it. To coddle it and tell it that it isn't quite so bad.
It is growing stronger and more deadly.

It's quite bad. It's a cancer which must be unequivocally named and rooted out.

And if you're not discomforted someone is likely tiptoeing on eggshells around you and that serves only to perpetuate white supremacy.
And some might be comfortable in that role but I'm not. Even your fragility points to the insidiousness of this sinful disease.

"Ray, you seem angry..." You're damn right I'm angry; wtf aren't you?!
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