if you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention

this is a reminder that george floyd isn’t the only victim of murder due to racism. this happens more often than we know. so don’t let this die down. don’t let it be a two day thing. don’t retweet one thing and think your work +
+ is done. inform yourself. sign petitions. protest. donate. VOTE. use your voice, not only when atrocious things happen and gain extreme visibility, but always. use your voice for what you believe in

remember, all lives do matter, but the problem now is +
+ BLACK lives. because those are being the ones treated like they don’t matter.

if you’re not black, acknowledge your privilege and LISTEN to those affected in order to learn how to best put it to use and shed light on the issue. educate yourself. and don’t ever stand down +
+ I’m not black, I’m a latina woman and hence, I have less chances of being murdered for the color of my skin than a black person. so I think I owe it to others to use my platform and privilege to voice things and injustice, no matter how small the platform in question is +
+ that said, I am not an authority in the matter nor can speak on behalf of the black community. but I can listen, and I can open this thread so anyone can reply with resources on how to help. I personally found this article useful: https://bit.ly/2XLF5ou  +
+ I also want to say there is no neutrality. and this doesn’t only apply to black lives matter, but to ANY situation of injustice. as the famous quote says, but remaining neutral, you are choosing the side of the oppresor. by not actively opposing them, you are allowing them +
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