I’ve seen a lot of people looking for book recs related to racism, privilege, and injustice in America in response to the murder of #GeorgeFloyd so please let me recommend Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Dr. Beverly Tatum!
Dr. Tatum is an award winning psychologist for her work on racism and racial identity development. This is an incredible resource for allies of all races looking to understand their role is systemic racism and how to actually navigate racial dynamics! A must read!!
Another great resource I'd like to add for my fellow allies is the documentary "The Color of Fear" which follows discussions about race relations in America with real Americans. It's a groundbreaking film used in multicultural training, watch it here!: https://vimeo.com/127289854 
I can't stress enough how imperative it is right now for allies to truly educate themselves. Don't just rely on your Twitter timelines. Do the work. Seek out the endless resources on racism, especially those produced by black scholars/educators/activists.
You can follow @emmmabooks.
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