I really can't fucking stand Warren and I wonder what kind of message it would send to the party with her as VP.

So here's a thread of why I can't stand her:
She's a fucking liar. She lies about dumb shit. Shit that there is absolutely no reason to lie about.

Like we already deap with Trump lying to us on a daily basis. Warren wouldn't be any different .

Warren's dad's profession to why her parents married? All stupid fucking lies
She sang a racist ass white people church song at an LGBTQ forum.

1) it was inappropriate as fuck to bring up religion at an LGBTQ forum...seriously, religion overall has caused too many issues and we got Mike fucking Pence as VP and Warren singing about yellow children.

Warren is not a goddamn ally to the LGBT community.

Warren voted for Reagan and stood by as a goddamn Republican while millions of gay men died with AIDS but yet, memaw at 70 is a newfound here to the community because she ran around with a rainbow boa around her neck at pride
And before some fucking Warrenstan comes to my mentions about Warren and Reagan...ask yourself why she doesn't mind telling ppl she voted for Ford but ask about voting for Reagan and all of a sudden its "that's none of your bizness"
Speaking of lies...the lie about her claiming to be Native American!

How the fuck is that not problematic? Seriously.

And whenever Warren is in the spotlight, have to deal with Racist Republicans shouting "Pocahontas" all because of her bs lie!
The fucking nerve of Warren...a FORMER REPUBLICAN telling Biden he's running in the wrong primary.


Biden has always been a Democrat and has devoted his life to serving the people.

Last I checked this fraud defended corporations over people
Elizabeth Lying Warren is not a gatekeeper on what is or isn't a Democrat.

Fuck her and fuck that

Goddamn the bitch is the worst kind of hypocrite.

And her hypocrisy really hurt the candidates who were NOT white.

Big donors. Grass roots. No Super PAC...

This just fucking hurts the non-white candidates and the moment they left...it was all of a sudden okay!
The fact that she copied the plans of Kamala and Gillibrand...charged a few words around and slapped her name on it as if she's some goddamm policy queen.

Last I fucking checked Kamala doing the most but Warren getting the credit.

I wonder white that is?
Warren attaching herself to Bernie Ratfucker Sanders and then acting like she's some victim to their abuse.

I really don't give a flying fuck what Bernie supporters said and did to her because she couldn't dare to give a fuck what happened in 2016
We all saw the same goddamn primary play out in 2016 and Warren wanna buddy up with the Ratfucker who did nothing to stop the abuse.

Oh no. You lie with dogs. You get fleas...

Is that how it goes?

Always. Kamala released a plan

Warren had to as well.

Kamala gets the endorsement of a legitimate group Higher Heights and the next day Warren brags about her Twitter endorsements.

Like always tried to outshine the black woman
Speak of Kamala and Warren

Some fucking friend. Laughed at Kamala because she suggested Trump's account be suspended. Warren didn't give a rat's ass that Kamala was sent a bomb because of Trump's deranged tweets.

Like I said earlier. Warren is for warren
Speaking of...what the ever loving fuck is a Warren Democrat? Stop trying to make fetch fucking happen

She wants to desperately be at Hillary and Obama's level but it'll never fucking happen. EVER

Speaking of, Obama and Hillary didn't coin "Obama Democrat" or "Hillary Democrat"
It's always been about Warren

She's not a team player. She's not a Democrat. She already said so herself. She's already separated herself from the party and people want to reward the person with a VP spot?
Warren used a BLACK woman as a shield to handle some protesting at a rally.

And we're supposed to believe you can stand up to Trump or Pence?

Like bitch, Trump got under your fucking skin so much you took a DNA test.

You're 100% weak as fuck
Speaking of rallies?

She has her own goddamn surrogates paying for polling about her being VP and of course they're pushing she's a favorite among black voters...but how could that be true when they only poll the same 300 all the goddamn time.

Also, If she's so fucking popular
With black voters why didn't they show up when she was in a high minority population city.

Crowds so fucking white I became blind.

Seriously. I wear glasses now after looking at how bright her audience was
I don't feel like Warren is an ally to me ...or to other women.

And goddamn did Warren attract the worst of the Twitter white feminists.

Seriously. Warren's white woman supporters are the worst kind of white women. All are problematic as fuck.
I can't FUCKING stand her country ass memaw accent /talk. Fake as fuck.

"Well my daddy was a janitor (LIE) and we lived in the rugged edge of middle class"

What? Bitch you're not Jenny from Forest Gump. This fucking fake ass accent doesn't come out in your Senate hearings
You were well off.
House. Car. College paid for.
You don't know fucking struggle.

Oh yeah goes back to all your stupid litte lies.

Warren is so goddamn problematic when it comes to issues around race.

Like she's this white woman Savior who is the best for black women and voters BUT couldn't fucking stand up and say they should go first in the primaries?
Just a player in the game, right warren?

Or how she couldn't name 3 black people in her administration? Like really?

How somone asked her if she preferred Snoop Dog or DaBaby and she said DaBaby???


I FUCKING dare some reporter to ask her her favorite DaBaby song. I'll pay you $20
Warren fucking All Lives Mattered her response to #GeorgeFloyd death.

Couldn't even say his name.

Made a generic post that could have applied at anytime during the primary.

Warren did the bare minimum because she's a bare minimum Christopher Columbusing white lady
It would be a fucking mistake to put her on the ticket

Really didn't start this primary hoping an old white man would be at the top of the ticket but here we are and Bernie Sanders gone, but to add another old white person...somone who is to be reflective of the next generation
Democrats...? Does that sound like Warren?

A problematic white woman who pretended to be Native to American, a former Republican who left the party not because of the racism & bigotry but because of their economics...IS NOT THE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY?
Now you white Warren stans can keep the comments to yourself. Idgaf. I'll listen to you once you start listening to the black women who fucking tell you Warren is problematic as fuck

Cling to your stupid Warren paid for polls. I reckin to do that than to have a real conversation
About why Warren is the wrong fucking choice.

The fucking nerve of Warren claiming the DNC rigged the primaries. The shit she did to Hillary.

Fuck Warren and her stupid fucking crusty crotch leggings ...forever.
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