One day I will make THE all-encompassing [sidelong song/HL:A map/short film/Twitter vent post/Medium thinkpiece] that comprehensively outlines and explores the difficult and challenging interactions/connections/relations I've had with cartoons over my life - today isn't that day
What with everything happening in the world right now worrying about opening up about my problems seems pretty inconsequential (even if the problems themselves also seem that way). I guess I gotta make sure whatever I do won't come back to bite me in the ass in future, but -
-I'm sure most people would agree there's eviler things I could fill this corner of my life with than acute cases of sensory-restricted deification (Turn-It-On-Again-itis?), even if at points it does feel like the absolute bane of my existence
Or maybe I'll just delete this thread when it's not silly o'clock, I'll return to my regular scheduled programming of funny mashup videos and goofy photoshops, and we can forget I ever brought this up on a public forum
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