Hey also for protestors.

There are people that will use this opportunity to promote some type of political agenda. They may even ask you to sign petitions.

Do NOT sign "petitions" during protests
Remember, petitions will request your name,address and signature.

Do not give this information to anyone you don't know under the guise of "political advancement"
And I don't know how y'all getting to the protest but be careful about how close you park your car to the location.

If possible, park some blocks away then walk. Don't go alone either
Police are not only violent during active protests, but they will follow you and harass you afterwards too.
Also, there are going to people trying to "register you to vote", do not do this at a protest.

And don't misinterpret my tweets, I'm not telling not to exercise your voting right, but be cautious of inadvertently giving your information to an undercover cop.
If you want to register to vote and sign petitions that's great! Do this with someone you actually know or go DIRECTLY to the reputable org. Don't do it out on those streets tho
Last night I had a painful flashback so I need to add something else here for live streamers.

For whatever reason, the memory of witnessing Bassem being held at gunpoint by an undercover cop came back to my mind. Bassem was held at gunpoint and the cop took his devices
If you decide to Livestream, we thank you for this work. Documenting police and national guard (emphasis on POLICE AND NATIONAL GUARD) behavior is important.

But please know, you are a HIGH RISK target because of this

MN ain't new to this so this may be more of a reminder
Personally, I recommend y'all partnering with people you know you'll work well with.

When you're just ONE livestreamer, it's very easy for them to lock you up and now the public have lost access to what you were documenting.
Having multiple people livestreaming from the same account (rotating shifts) will help mitigate this
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