THE NEW WORLD ORDER is here and they want America’s resources and our citizens to obey. They are already around the rest of the world.
Three “initiatives” with a new “ism” to adopt. So the same people who despise Christianity and organized religion, want us to adopt a new religion

1) Happytalism - https://happytalism.com/ 

2) UNIDOHappiness - https://happinessday.org/ 

3) UN Global Goals - https://www.globalgoals.org/ 
The Happytalism and the international day of happiness was supposedly created by two men.

Jayme Illien - https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Jayme_Illien
Luis Gallardo - https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/storywall/american-dreamers/stories/luis-gallardo

I’ve researched this for weeks and I still can’t tell if these are real people. Very little info available
Louis Gallardo - There is very little informational this guy. He also has the world all figured out. These guys come from nowhere. They are not scientists or experts but they lead a mission to “Change the world”. That includes the USA
Jayme Illien - there is something strange going on with this guy. There is very limited information on him as well and what is out there is very generic. One thing is for certain he doesn’t like Trump or the USA
I was only able to find 5 videos on the entire internet with him in them. They all have him talking about his Happytalism movement. 1 TV interview and no newspaper articles.

They definitely think his sad past gives him the credibility to alter the entire world’s economic system
Adopted from Calcutta India Jayme grew up helping with his mother find families for orphaned children. Jayme traveled worldwide to visit orphanages in foreign countries & met with international governments about child trafficking and international adoption https://www.illienglobalfamilies.org/about/team 
It states on the UN website that Happiness day is run by https://illienglobal.com/about/ 

Illien Global states they have been operating for 35 years. They haven’t. It was Jayme’s mom’s adoption agency first and it closed in scandal https://www.bluetoad.com/publication/?i=336291&p=6&pp=1&view=issueViewer
In 1982 Illien’s adopted mom started an adoption agency https://illienglobal.com/about/history/ 
Illien Adoptions International, Inc. - There is ZERO news articles or videos about the fact that it closed in scandal. https://www.illienglobalfamilies.org/about/team 

It seems most details about these people are scrubbed
In 1992 They got sued for not disclosing health issues https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/806/1225/1748202/

In 2012 they were honored - https://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/9/prweb9893500.htm

The agency is known to take children back and “Re home” them into the system

The accreditation was suspended in 2014 and revoked in 2016
There is very little other information about how all of this got started. It’s definitely a legitimate question to ask: is all this just a new control system made to look pretty

So we get Happytalism and they push philosophies from characters like thus guy
Via Wiki: Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a philosophy that guides the government of Bhutan. It includes an index which is used to measure the collective happiness and well-being of a population. GNH is instituted as the goal of the government of Bhutan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_National_Happiness
They plan to convince the world to take ten Godless steps to happiness - https://happinessday.org/ 

1) Stick Together
2) Follow WHO Advice
3) Attend Virtual event
4) Stay Social
5) Be Kind & Share
6) StayActive
7) Be Optimistic
8) Stay Informed
9) Enjoy Nature
10) Adopt Happytalism
Virtually - These are live events to “teach” happiness

“World Happiness Fest is the world’s largest, most diverse, polycentric and comprehensive forum of happiness and well-being experts, opinion leaders and agents of change”

They are already established worldwide
The companies financing this - a handful of OLD BIG international companies with one thing in common, they aggressively ate the competition for decades. The goal was to grow as big and powerful as possible
Aviva - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aviva 
Unilever - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unilever 
With these massive companies involved, it seems they have covered all their bases. They have a company for every major need. I explain a few in this thread

One of them is Standard Chartered - A massive international bank - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Chartered
Pearson Education - Massive company for brainwashing kids on all grade levels. Operates in 70 countries & owns eCollege, Simon & Schuster + many other brands

The video - SORRY, words are read aloud but they don’t match the graphic, it’s still informative
Getty Images - https://www.gettyimages.com.au/ 

This starts with J. Paul Getty, an OIL billionaire🤔 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Paul_GettyAgain
Like the others, Co founder Jonathan Klein pursued an aggressive style of buying out the competition

The Getty family still owns the business
Classic progressive BS! They have an “open letter” signed by lots of celebrities and scientists

They have 17 goals to create a perfect world and it’s no surprise they demand radical solutions

Through the power of these companies the NWO has spread all over the world
Of course Bill and Melinda Gates are heavily involved with all of this through their foundation’s “Goalkeepers”

As usual they are pretending to do good for poor people. http://www.project-everyone.org/case-studies/goalkeepers-2018/
They produce lots of propaganda films http://www.project-everyone.org/films/ 
Once again Bill includes cute visuals, graphs and statistics to justify his ever expanding empire of R&D and investments

This is all just an effort to water down the USA system and replace it with this commie style system. The elite get to run it all https://www.gatesfoundation.org/goalkeepers/report/2019-report/
No surprise Obama is involved. These are rich jerks conspiring to act out what they think is best for all of us. Don’t worry about that little US CONSTITUTION this is for the greater good

Obama’s shadow government definitely has the backing of the UN NWO & the Gates “Foundation”
17 “Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs” https://www.globalgoals.org/ 

17 changes to “save” the world by 2030 - If the USA adopts all of these we will give up our sovereignty and our way of life

We can help the world without giving up our core values of Freedom and Liberty for all
The corrupt WHO https://www.who.int/  is simply the “health” arm of the United Nations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Health_Organization

That brings together the conspiracy

The UN/WHO = China drive the pandemic & the subsequent lockdowns. Advocate for the end of the USA’s system via the democrats
The goal is to introduce a new worldwide system of surveillance based on “Testing, Tracing and Isolation”

The democrats love this idea and they talk about it every chance they get

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