Hello there! How are you doing?Here's today's thread of @offclASTRO #JINJIN Naver Articles! You ready?

Please like, recommend and share these articles and RT also, so it can reach many many kindhearted Rohas. Let's support #ASTRO leadernim JINJIN. THANKS!
@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#11: CALL HIM!

[포토S] #아스트로 진진, 오렌지빛 헤어 (출처 : 스포티비뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/5gxKYwpn 

21 likes, you might be the 22nd?
@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#12: Cute Leader Indeed.

[★포토] #진진, '귀여운 리더' (출처 : 스타뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/GQKpSBem 

@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#13.

[엑's HD포토] 아스트로 진진 '상큼발랄' (출처 : 엑스포츠뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/5me4vXgy 

I can hear what line is he singing at the picture hehe.

@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#14.

[포토]진진-문빈-윤산하, 알록달록 헤어패션 (출처 : 헤럴드POP | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/55XBPVpF 

HE's walking LIKE A KING! omyyyy.

@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#15

[HD포토] "눈맞춤, 심장어택"ㅣ'아스트로' 진진 (출처 : 디스패치 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/GomaikHT 

Im soft..He's looking straight at the camera..my heart...

@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#16

[포토]아스트로 진진, 꽃보다 화려한 헤어컬러 (출처 : 헤럴드POP | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/GKmcb84g 


@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#17

아스트로, "이번 활동으로 '랜선남친' 수식어 얻고파" (출처 : enews24 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/FiWHvUqb 



[HD포토] "고민말고, 저장"ㅣ'아스트로' 진진 (출처 : 디스패치 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/FJBLbwgh 

His side profile and the lighting this article is awesome

@offclASTRO #JINJIN Article#19

[HD포토] "치명적인 매력"ㅣ'아스트로' 진진 (출처 : 디스패치 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/xvuS3sK4 

Jinwoo, looking at the camera like that is illegal, okay?

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