Real talk

My grandparents live in the Twin Cities (St Paul / Minneapolis area) and right in the middle of it all. They are in their mid-80s. They are white. My grandpa is the only one who drives because my grandma has never had a license. They both have cancer and are planning >
On moving out to assisted living in the fall in a small town near me (3 hrs away). They are terrified about all of the riots and all of the fires. They cant do much anymore. They barely went anywhere before the virus, and only go to the doctor, gas station, and grocery store >
But only when my mother and/or my aunt is there. They have started to shut and lock as many things as they can. Their garage has been broken into twice within a few months but insurance won't do anything because only the 4 locks were damaged and nothing was stolen. >
My grandpa was in the South Dakota National Guard and the US Navy during the Korean War. My grandmother was abused by her mother a lot and her father drank any income away. They just passed 60 years of marriage last weekend. They mean the world to me. >
I know this thread isn't much and probably won't do anything, but PLEASE for the safety of everyone, stop the violent protests. I'm sorry George Floyd passed away, but there is absolutely nothing anybody can do now except for punish the murderer/s. There's no reason to protest >
Violently. There were peaceful protests against the Governor, when Trump got elected, heck even when Obama got elected, but now is when they set my state Capitol on fire? Yes the murder was very uncalled for, but so is the violence after it. Violence ain't gonna do jack shit. >
Violence is literally not the answer here. People are looting innocent businesses not even 5 blocks from where my grandparents live. We are all scared.
When I am there, I will gladly stab and/or shoot anyone who tries to break in and I will not hesitate to do so. >
This is not a threat, but simple words. These protests arnt a race thing or a political thing. These riots will not change a damn thing. Its simply an idiot thing. There are business owners who are trying their best to defend their income and they have nothing to do with the >
Murder of George Floyd, yet rioters are breaking in, trashing the place, setting everything on fire, beating up people, stealing, and leaving to do the same thing to other businesses. I will protect my grandparents at all costs, whether I get thrown into jail or not I will >
Do whatever it takes to protect them. Same goes with my extended family out there. Anyone fucks with them, you get crazy rednecks in return. Again not a threat, but simple words.

Thank you. I might do a video if it gets more out of hand.
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