isn’t it crazy to think that there was a time when racism, sexism, homophobia etc were acceptable and the norm?
it’s even crazier that, even after years of the proven oppression, discrimination, and death of black Americans specifically, there are people who don’t believe that these happenings are racially charged and wrong
I have no words... honestly. From the death of George Floyd to the protestors getting maced and pepper sprayed JUST DAYS after a white woman threatened a black man’s life because he told her to put a leash on her dog and—
days after some dummies were protesting with guns on their backs with absolutely no pushback because they couldn’t get haircuts? I just don’t understand the disconnect.
There’s so much to unpack about George Floyd, Ahmed Arbery, and the other the other black Americans who have just been added to the list of black people wrongfully murdered or failed by the people we are supposed to trust to protect us.
There is no counterpoint to the protests. You can’t say #alllivesmatter or “what about black on black crime?” or anything else other than “What’s happening right now is wrong and something needs to change for it to stop.”
If you believe otherwise when you watch the videos of these modern day lynchings, I will kindly guide you to my profile to click the unfollow button and please notify me so I can block you.
You can follow @kinghenrythe22.
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