Since many folks have asked me for thoughts on the 'slow news' day last couple of days.

1/ Think it's beyond the pale for any individual employee to be called out and bullied. Any policy decision in a large company is a collective one and ultimately comes to @jack
2/ Think there's more commonality than differences in how various tech platform companies approach these topics. Also honestly think most of these companies may not actually realize that. 😏
3/ Section 230 is the reason we have the internet in the form we do and any changes there is dangerous.
4/ Tied to #2 - think this is a gut check for all the major tech platforms to work together and present a unified front. Most of their issues - and risks - are the same. @danielgross comment on it being a "Franz Ferdinand moment" could turn out to be true.
5/ Setting aside the White House, the conversation around this topic is incredibly frustrating as most of it boils down to "I want people I like to take down content I don't like". Any long term solutions have to come from a place of principle and rigor rather than hot takes.
6/ I think Last Dance was amazing but unfair to Jerry Krause.

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