I told myself I would stop ranting on Twitter, but here I am. If you think George Floyd is an isolated incident, you don’t pay attention, or you think the black community is collectively lying, and has been for generations, because this isn’t new. The cameras are what is new.
And my white counterparts who just stand idly by, but aren’t outwardly racist, you’re the biggest factor on why nothing changes. It should repulse you, it should make you sick to your stomach to see that such injustice can take place without much consequence.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg. The black population gets incarcerated more, they get harsher sentencing for smaller crimes, they’ve dealt with stop and frisk policies, they’re neighborhoods are heavier policed (and not to be kept safer)
The people who just seem to not give a shit, you make me genuinely sick. I’m not trying to come across as holier than thou or anything, I’m just so damn angry and I can’t imagine how some people aren’t.
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