1)False allegations, in particular HIGH PROFILE false allegations, are one of the most destructive things imaginable to actual rape victims.

Forcing women & survivors to agree to Litmus tests & go against our own instincts & the mounting evidence is gaslighting, abusive conduct https://twitter.com/TinaDesireeBerg/status/1266131346117677057
2)This woman lied repeatedly, flagrantly, deliberately & with malice aforthought including the day before coming forward when she deceptively edited a Medium post, one of MANY examples of DELIBERATE deception that cannot be explained as a "trauma response"

The girl who cried đŸș
3)Does this mean you can't get raped if you're a habitual liar? NO! But it does mean the bar is going to be set a bit higher for a burden of proof in fairness to the accused- that's not rape culture, that's due process.
4)In the aftermath of yet one more state sanctioned murder of a black man in America, & the one that could have been in Central Park based on the false accusation of a white woman, we need a country that affords all citizens due process of law, and a fair & comprehensive media
5) This case has suffered & both Reade & this country have been robbed a chance to examine these allegations in the serious manner they deserved because a team of amateur activist journalists decided to launch these explosive allegations based on the word of a very...
6)Clearly troubled woman and instead of giving them the careful & sensitive vetting these things require they rushed it to press after a few deceptive edits & witness coaching( @NathanJRobinson admitted it!) hurled it like a grenade in the midst of a primary in a fcking pandemic
6)I will continue this thread when I have the time sister, I'm packing for Chicago to go work disaster relief nursing in this Trump feuled pandemic so I really have better uses of my time.

But you are on notice.

I got a lot to unpack & you decided to try me today
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