I don't think anyone was writing about the way LGBT media/advocacy lied about trans murders before I jumped into it.

@scrowder was exposing the left and building bridges that were never thought of.

@DLoesch was winning the argument on guns.

@charlescwcooke was making us think.
@LilaGraceRose was educating us prolife daily.

@ChrisRBarron Showed us ground-up GOP political activism.

@GayPatriotTM Was a shining light to new gay conservatives.

@redsteeze Gave us sharp and dry humor to understand real culture war nonsense.

@PolitiBunny Fought for us all.
@mchastain81 Gave us sharp and witty commentary forcing us to challenge our assumptions.

@robsmithonline Stood up for himself and spoke loudly for identity outside social limitations.

@AGHamilton29 Became a source of truth when media firestorms blinded us all in smoke.
@benshapiro and @guypbenson became rocks of reason and conservative connection to mainstream media.

@MrAndyNgo Showed us what real, brave, courageous journalism looks like.

@bethanyshondark Showed us what brave commentary meant in our world.

@ReaganBattalion Exposed huge lies.
@MsBlaireWhite Confronted stereotypes and forced us to reconsider our prejudices.

@bdomenech and @seanmdav rebuilt conservative news when it felt hopeless.

@CalebHowe Forced us to think about our 'Right' and 'Left' labels.

@DanCrenshawTX Became a direct voice of representation
@JayCaruso Demanded the left and the right be honest and he never backed down.

@SouthernKeeks Challenged us to stand up for unborn life and faith.

@RealSaavedra Became our generation's Breaking News voice, one we could trust.

@stillgray Brought libertarian voices to us.
@CamEdwards Made us love the 2nd Amendment.

@Cernovich Angered us. Made us think. Forced us to prove him wrong.

@DonaldJTrumpJr Became a voice of influence joining forces with us every day.

@EWErickson Merged faith and social conservatism into our daily conversation.
@obianuju Demanded respect for life and showed us worlds we never would have known.

@KassyDillon Brought the young voice of conservatism to the millennial stage.

@brad_polumbo Became an incredible voice for journalism and tough commentary. Challenging everyone equally.
@DavidAFrench Forced us to consider morality in our advocacy.

@RichardGrenell Showed us what accessible, resilient, dedicated political service can look like.

@exjon Brought humor to our far too serious world.

@AndreaNRuth Stood up for ideas that were unpopular. Challenged us.
@jason_howerton Brought humanity to our soulless battles.

@davidharsanyi Redefined what a journalist was in our time of pure advocacy.

@jasonrantz Demanded we ask ourselves hard questions and never backed down from the left.

@JesseKellyDC Brought us humor. Strong conservatism.
@KyleKashuv Became a breakout star, coming from tragedy to be a powerful conservative voice.

@RealKiraDavis Brought style and charm and fought for us in ways we could never do ourselves.

@KurtSchlichter Reminded us what never apologizing for strong faith and morality looks like
@Liz_Wheeler Became a shining star in a new medium that challenged traditional news.

@MeghanMcCain Brought us unflinching honesty, bridged the world of media and every day people.

@russell_nm Like me, found her voice here and became an invaluable asset in conservative writing.
@politicalelle Showed us what honest reporting and fearless advocacy for the truth looks like.

@yashar Bridged the gap between right and left and brought mainstream journalism to us directly.

@michaeljknowles Stepped up as a voice of humor and faith unlike anything we've seen.
@RBPundit Never once let us forget we have an obligation to ourselves to stay honest.

@BlueBoxDave Brought us fearless commentary and touched topics no one else would.

@RyanTAnd Made sure faith had a place in conservative thought.

@tedcruz Broke down walls between gov and us.
@LevineJonathan Bridged left and right and proved what honest reporting can be.

@MZHemingway Our Barbara Walters. Pure. Simple. Journalism.

@SethAMandel Let us see behind the curtain of the editorial world.

@ArielleScarcell Bravely showed us how to expand our view of "us."
@SirajAHashmi Brought us humor, journalism and access to mainstream media.

@OrdyPackard Fought alongside us bringing us humor.

@RitaPanahi Fearless perspective with international influence.

@RonColeman Legal mastermind who never failed to stand up for us.
@RobProvince Hard-hitting real commentary.

@AaronWorthing Legal genius who made sure we stayed rational and honest.

@EddieZipperer Real, genuine conservative advocacy.

@KIR_bigg50 Never leaves our side. The most loyal and honest man I know.
@emzanotti A voice you can rely on to challenge you.

@JGunlock A voice that is always there to support you.

@JHolmsted Hard-hitting. Honest. Loyal.

@heckyessica A real voice. Modern with style. She raises us all higher.

@JennMGreenberg Our voice of conscience.
@VanessaOblinger Genuine and necessary voice of our movement.

@GarrettVentry A direct bridge to our legislature and how we can influence our government.

@conservmillen Conservatism and faith.

@BuckAngel A true voice of what tolerance and open-minded debate looks like.
@TheLaurenChen Charming bridge-building voice.

@GentlemanRascal Constant voice of support, humor and reason.

@JedediahBila Our very own celebrity voice representing who we are to the world.

@JaniceDean A direct voice of mainstream media standing with us.
@MikeyTheHarlow Youth voice of the new LGBT world beyond leftwing advocacy.

@KarenJewel Kindness personified.

@AdamTrahan Humor and a bridge to life in liberal utopia.

@ScotsFyre Fearless protector.

@GregoryEck Our resident medical expert.

@RubinReport Literal Bridge-Builder
@JustEric Relentlessly loyal and logical.

@ZeldaAGabriel Sweetest supporter you could know.

@Jaycollinwood A voice of gay experience in our world.

@UnrealAllan Strong supporting voice.

@InezFeltscher Brave voice that bridges our worlds together.

@LisaDeP Libertarian Goddess.
Obviously more and more and more...

And none of this would have been possible on gab or parlor or finding each other in comments on articles.

Without Twitter this *community* would not exist.

We deserve this place here.
We have to fight for it.

Imagine this world without us.
I have to add @SalenaZito!!!

Brilliant and brave!

And @NevilleD35 whom I couldn't find in my list but introduced me to issues facing black Americans I never considered.

And @neontaster who is far braver than we know!
You can follow @chadfelixg.
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