Except the end game isn't to actually get rid of Section 230, it's to intimidate platforms into promoting and protecting right-wing partisan speech regardless of veracity, hatefulness, or negative impact on public health or safety. https://twitter.com/superwuster/status/1266136767859691521
You might even call it an attempt to force private actors to spread political propaganda.
The weirdest thing about the current moment in which there is *bipartisan* ire against Section 230 is that we are living the most outlandish parade of horribles that would result from a repeal of Section 230.
This is untrue based on the fairly hideous examples of conservative speech being "stifled" that are persistently trotted out. It is absurd to consider the phrase "fairly neutral" in this broken political climate. https://twitter.com/karlbykarlsmith/status/1266142826141802497
This executive order is prompted by the president being called out on a wild lie about the voting process, a lie with real consequences for democracy.
Again, we are living an outlandish parade of horribles that Sec 230 advocates would have previously refrained from positing due to its rank improbability.
Tech law & policy wonks should not and cannot continue to pretend like everything is business as usual. The larger political context cannot be set aside. We are in five different crises nested inside each other. There are tangible and immediate consequences, not law & econ hypos.
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