"These guys are out here with machetes and shattered windows trying to keep looters out of their business because cops can't get in here," one of the armed men told @maxnesterak. "So, I figure, before there were cops there were just Americans. So, here we are."
"The cops are a lot less likely to try and tread on people's rights when there are other armed Americans with them," a second armed man guarding the stores said. "I figured that it's about d— time some heavily armed rednecks stood with fellow citizens."
One of the armed men guarding the stores during the Minneapolis riot referenced Korean store owners during the 1992 Los Angeles riots as inspiration for why they decided to help. Korean-Americans, left unprotected by police, took up arms to defend their businesses from looting.
Korean-Americans who lived through the riots said the police abandoned them and their stores during the looting. The community was forced to use their own firearms to defend their businesses.
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