It's my birthday! 🥳🥳🥳

I wanted to do something special today and make a thread about interesting facts about me.

If you still have questions, you can always DM me!
My name is Rory and I'm 22 years old. I live in a small town in Belgium and I can speak 4 languages: Dutch, English, French and German. Dutch is my mother tongue. I grew up in the country side where everybody knew each other
I played a lot of roles in the local amateur theater group. When I was 8 years old, I got interviewed for a newspaper article from a well known newspaper in Belgium. I guess you could say I was "famous" for a little while 🤩
Another interesting fact is that I have autism. I was diagnosed when I was too young to even remember. I was on my own a lot and I wouldn't play with other kids. I also couldn't speak till I was 3 years old. They told me when I was 14 years old
I studied Business Economics in secondary school, where I also met my friends. In the 5th year of secondary school, we learned a lot about marketing practices. That was the time that I really wanted to study Marketing in college.
Currently, I'm a Marketing graduate at UC Leuven Limburg and I'm an intern at their in-house marketing agency 'Studio 8'. There's only 1 week left of my internship and I'm really going to miss it. I've worked with awesome clients and contributed to amazing work
These works are coming soon to my new website. I don't know when it's ready, but I will keep you posted 😉

So, this is me! There is a lot more to cover about me, but these are the most important facts 😉

Comment if you liked this thread! I can't wait you guys think! 😁
You can follow @RoryTheCreative.
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