Dear Fellow American Voters:
I’ve been thinking today about #VoterID and #BallotHarvesting and the potential for #VoterFraud ...lots have been said on all that, but what I want to know is why everyone isn’t concerned about the need to ensure THEIR one vote counts?
If any honest voter submitted a vote for the candidate of their choice & then comes to find out later there was a stack of ballots sent in by mail with names of deceased members of the opposite party or non-citizens allowed to vote for the opposite party, that’s wrong..right?
Voter ID would verify you are who you say you are AND that other voters are who they say they are, while preventing more than one vote per person. I may vote differently than you, but matter who you vote for I want your vote to be recorded fairly and not be interfered with!
So in closing, yes I’m for Voter ID. Not just for MY vote’s protection but because it’s what’s right for this Nation.
Let’s have Fair Elections where one legal voter = one legal vote...and let the chips fall where they may.
#Vote2020 🇺🇸
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