so the other day I wrote a small (vanilla) JS/CSS app and it just felt so good
see, JS was my first programming language. I learned programming by making silly little apps and later on, userscripts

this was back in the days of vanilla/jquery. JS-land was quite different
since then I haven't gotten to write much JS, and the JS ecosystem and language have, of course, changed a lot

i've been paying attention to the changes in JS, but i don't get to .. use them often
I work on browsers so I *do* get to write lots of JS in tests and demos, but this is not "javascript" as much as it is "often purposefully bad javascript". it doesn't count :)
so it was just really nice to sit down and write a little webapp and get to experience the million different ways JS and CSS have improved since i last wrote serious stuff in them. classes! generators! css variables! (variables make responsive ui SO PLEASANT)
it was vanilla because i don't really have the time or inclination to Learn A Framework, and I don't think this is complex enough to need a framework, and vanilla is actually quite pleasant, to me.
(the webapp in question is, btw, : the Cracking the Cryptic webapp is quite nice and matches how i solve sudoku on paper, but had some things i wanted improved, so I redid it as a purely client side thing)
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