The Autistic guide to intervening:

Stop walking, driving, or riding your bike and pull over safely. Adopt a distance of about twenty feet from the cop and his victim.

Observe with eyes and ears.

Make sure your phone is ALREADY IN YOUR HAND AT THIS POINT.

Type something.

Even if it's just a text to a friend say, "There's a cop here." It will time-date and create a connection.

Now move closer to the cop and his victim to about 18 feet.

One step closer and NEVER EVER back. But do NOT rush the cop EVER.

If the cop insists you speak to them, get their badge number.

Remember their face.

Look for the number of their cruiser.

If you must move remember that backing away excites predators.

Step laterally around the scene. Continue connecting with people on your phone or ask the victim their name and what happened.

I don't know if I can recommend filming but I'm going to say: get it on film.

Get it on the Cloud. Whatever service creates the most amount of backup for your videos should be your DEFAULT.

It should be on every launch screen ready to be opened.

Delay detainment as long as possible.

You can follow @fantasmavoid.
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