Alright alright, you guys win

I'm officially pissed off enough to write a whole George Soros/cultural destabilization thread

Cant stand seeing so many good-hearted people having their empathy used to manipulate them
It'll go all the way back to the origins of political correctness and the founding of the NAACP and ADL by the same Schiff family that worked for the Rothschilds and funded Hitler through IG Farben and helped the eugenics loving Rockefellers create their oil monopoly
We'll go back to the civil rights era as well, cover the tactics and policies of JFK/MLK and what made them so dangerous to the power structure that they had to be killed

Will also cover how the race riots were started by fake and exaggerated reports, publicized for max outrage
Then we'll bring it up to the refugee crisis, the Mexican immigration debate, human trafficking, the boarder ect ect.

Funny how the same people that start the for-profit wars that destroy the refugees' countries are the ones advocating for unlimited mass immigration 🤔
While I gather the necessary materials for this, here's a primer on the ruling class that is orchestrating all of this racial division
A video primer on Soros himself

"I can not and do not look at the social consequences of what I do"
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