I am in shock. George Floyd and many other POC have been murdered purely for their skin color. It makes me angry and sad to know how deeply rooted racism is in our country still. No one, no matter their color should live in fear. It's not okay.

Being white in our country is easy. No one can tell me otherwise.

People of color have things way harder. No one should have to be terrified to go to the store, go on a run, god for bid you call the police for help and in turn YOU get shot.

It's not okay.
All lives cannot matter until #Blacklivesmatter and people of colors lives matter. There has been so much injustice for too damn long. Everyone needs to speak up against these issues.

If you're a racist, unfollow me. I sincerely do not care if I lose support over this.
If you're a non-person of color, please consider checking out this thread:


It has many different ways to help support those who desperately need it right now.
You can follow @ItsBittie.
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