[Thread]Without going into detail i just wanted it stated for the record. My channel and my community is one where anyone reguardless of sex,gender,economic status, religion or political views can come together and just be a big ol community. I will not tolerate people being rude
or disrepectful towards my community or anyone in my community being disrepectful towards anyone else. For too long we have seen rampent racism,sexism,bigotry in this world and people have lost their lives because of it. If you dont like the fact i am expressing my views then
please do me the favor of unfollowing me here on twitter and twitch. Because i will no longer, no longer hide my distain for people who cant see their neighbor next to them as a human being and as a equal. I leave this thread with

#Blacklivesmatter #EndRacismInAmerica
You can follow @fatpally.
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