as we all know, harry styles. the king of kindness. the guy who spreads kindness all the time.
it’s in his merch. and in his speeches in concerts. harry is super decorated to being kind and we all know that. cause he shows it everyday and promotes it.
there can be some people in this world who will say “i’m a nice, kind, sweet person.” yet when the situation comes to do so, it ends up being something disrespectful. well, harry isn’t like that.
some fans will be pretty disrespectful to say something inappropriate to make harry feel bad. it’s honestly not worth it. especially if your talking to the king of kindness.
even on fine line. he created a whole entire song that lasts a good 3:17 of kindness. you know that’s something harry can do.
thank you harry, for always showing me to spread kindness. i’ll admit, i wasn’t the nicest person growing up. but thanks to you i know now to do what’s right and treat people with kindness.
thank you harry xx
end of thread.
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