Calling people names is beyond childish and one of the reasons I wanted to leave social media. I was getting sucked into the vitriol here. People on both sides do it because both have a righteous attitude that what they do is okay. It's not. And it's a horrible recruiting tool.
Politics should be the debate of ideas. Yet people jump right to personally attacking looks, party or anything instead of showing why their beliefs are what they are. If you have to name call then your arguments are weak. It's sad that social media is just bullies getting off.
I know I've done it too. Somewhere we lost the United part and adopted this "Do things my way or else" way of thinking.

It's honestly tiring. No one even listens.

For example, the left and the right are protesting the same thing. Govt overreach is a problem!
As long as we stay divided things will get worse. We need some adults around here.
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