Its Thursday so let's have story time. I'm seeing people I like on both sides of the fence when it comes to the current climate and racial tension. I have been in a interracial relationship for over a decade and helped raise 2 white kids......
.... One of my deepest fears which I would tell Rebecca all the time is driving across state lines alone with the kids. I fear being stopped with them. Being questioned or harassed for having white kids with me. This was enough of a fear I would bring a white buddy to shows....
... Probably about a year ago I was driving back from Indy me and Rebecca drove separate as I left for Indy after work. The kid wanted to stay and eat with a friend after her match. Rebecca went home. I drove The kid home from Indy. I got pulled over for speeding. I was speeding.
... I tend to speed alot. Deserved every ticket. Shout out the great cops who gave me my deserved ticket all have been great but this guy. I finally faced my fear. The cop comes to the car. He ask for my info then the kids info. I said she doesn't have an ID as she's a minor...
... his response I've never seen a minor with colored hair. I was puzzled bro go to a mall. All these kids have colored hair. This was an inner thought. From early age taught to yes sir no sir and be polite. So he ask what is she to me. I respond step daughter....
... he then says ok, what's her BDay and Social. I gave him her Bday and I tell him I have no clue what her social is as I've never needed it. He walks around and decides to wake the kid up and ask her. She was 0 help. The kid is trash when on the spot. She groggy and difficult.
...i get permission to call her mother. He says ok. I call her to which she's now scared because she went to sleep in the time it took us to get home. She has to go get the SSN out her purse as she doesn't know the kids social. I start getting frustrated and I say what I felt..
..i told the cop this is what I've alwayd feared. I would get harassed about me and a kid I raised because I'm black and she is white. This put the cop on defense he started saying that isn't why I pulled you over. Which isn't even close to what I said. Never said that's why...
... i said it was a fear. After her mom got her social the cop ran or did whatever in his car. He gave me my ticket said some shit about human trafficking is ehy he questioned who the kid was...

I was pulled over in Indy with 2 20 somethings 1 in a ski mask (what up J.Rose)....
...1 sleep (What up Wolf) and the same kid playing on her phone in the passenger seat and never accused of human trafficking. But in my home town 10 mind from home I was.

I've vhad good cops and bad pull me over every good cop gave me ticket sent me on my way in 5 mins....
...the bad cops kept me for longer than I should have been. Accused me of being a human trafficker, a gang member, asked me how my dad and uncles are doing or just plain wasted tax dollars when they couldve been doing anything else.. those I left with warnings....
... I've been asked if I had a job. Why wasn't I at my job. What was I doing in a certain city and all kinds of absurd questions. When you see riots it isn't the intention to do that. That's what happens when people get fuckimg fed up and tired. Like I don't have the energy...
... to do it but I get it. People don't know what else to do. When people get together to protest or whatever it takes one person having the worst day to turn a protest to a riot. But ask how did it get there. Nothing has changed. Same fight for 100s of years.....
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